Friday, July 23, 2010

Fire Update

Dear Everyone,

I am happy to report that things have gotten better since last month. I have received so much support from family and friends, from my work at St. Thomas and my running friends in Houston that how could they not?

CHESS UPDATE: Chess is a happy dog again. The veterinarian has given him an all clear on any and every issue from the fire. He is off all medicine and gallivanting around the Breuers’ house like he owns it. He is playing (rather roughly) with Winston, the Breuer’s chocolate lab. They play tug of war with ropes and toys, they play keep away with whatever the other dog wants, and their games of chase are epic. In other words, Chess in heaven and he’s getting into some trouble. While I was away at a family reunion, he managed to chew up Beth and David’s comforter. …I don’t know who feels guiltier about this, me or him, but we’re both truly sorry.

HOUSING UPDATE: Thanks to a colleague of mine, I have found a nice place to stay while my house gets rebuilt. Michael Lynch is a physics teacher and soccer coach at St. Thomas. His parents have a garage apartment near the medical center. They have graciously opened that space up to me for the upcoming year. I might have to watch their three dogs on occasion, but I think Chess would love that anyway. This location will also allow me to continue my training with friends and colleagues in and around the Houston area. The commute to work is only about 25 minutes according to Mike who did that drive everyday while in high school. Taking into account the breakneck speed at which most high school drivers attempt and factoring in the increased traffic since 19--, I still think I can get to work in under forty minutes.

DONATIONS: Many people have offered all sorts of items to me since June 22nd. I have been offered dog crates, water bowls, refrigerators, bicycles, beds, clothing, etc. My plan is now to purchase a larger storage facility as the apartment I am moving to is already furnished. I am trying to write everyone, but my inbox was flooded for a while and I might not have contacted everyone immediately. For this, I apologize. It has been a rather hectic (yet grace filled) month.

DANSTOCK: Chris Wardwell is a theology teacher at St. Thomas and one of my closest friends. He has organized a party at the Mucky Duck which he has called “Danstock - Three Hours of Peace, Love, and Dan.” I am deeply touched by this and I am also very excited about the party. The information is listed below. I hope to see you there!


Dan Green

Danstock - Three Hours of Peace, Love, and Dan
Time August 14 • 12:00pm - 3:00pm


Location McGonigel's Mucky Duck
2425 Norfolk Street
Houston, TX


Created By Chris Wardwell


More Info Danstock
Three Hours of Peace, Love, and Dan

As many of you know, our friend, Dan Green, lost his home and all of his belongings to a fire this summer. Dan often uses his artistic talents to benefit others: as the drama teacher at St. Thomas High School he spends countless hours working on the student productions; as the director of the videos for Round Up (St. Thomas' fundraiser that provides financial aid for many of the studen...ts who would not otherwise be able to attend school there); and as a crucial member of the teacher band, No Late Work (that often plays at Round Up), in which Dan sings and plays guitar.

SO let's celebrate his love for music at Danstock!

Here are the details:

"Danstock" will be three hours of peace, love, and Dan (and a whole lot of fun and good food too!). We would love for you to join us!

We will have three bands playing including The Dragliners and... a special guest.

Included in his losses in the fire was Dan's much-loved guitar. Because Dan has given so much through the arts, we'd like to give him back some of that "art." We are holding a benefit to raise money to buy Dan a new guitar.

Saturday August 14, 2010
Noon - 3:00 pm

McGonigel's Mucky Duck
2424 Norfolk St., Houston, Tx
McGonigel's Mucky Duck has been nice enough to host this. They serve great food, so come hungry and show our thanks by eating lunch there.

How much?
We will be accepting donations at the door. Every gift, regardless of the amount, will be appreciated. The money will go to buy Dan a new guitar and to cover other costs he is facing.


  1. Hey Dan (Danny)! This is Kristen Turner, your old Spring Hill buddy. It's been a long time since we've actually talked, but I wanted you to know that I am keeping up with your situation and eagerly await the positive updates. When I read on FB that Chess was stuck in your house, which was ON FIRE, I prayed as hard as I ever have for him to come out okay. I just wanted you to know that I wish I lived close enough to attend Danstock and actually help with whatever you might need. But, it sounds like you have a great community who loves you and is taking care of you until you don't need that anymore. I wish you all the best and if you're ever in Mobile, (yeah, I just never left!) please let me know.

  2. Kristin,

    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. I truly appreciate them, especially when they come from old friends (because that just gives me an excuse to say hello right back, doesn't it?)

    I am really lucky to have a great community of friends and family all around me to offer support. Still, it would never be a bad thing to have more feel free to come on over when you want. I'd say I could put you up, but then, well you know the answer to that, don't you? ...No house (yet).

    When I see your sorority sister, Wendy, and her husband, Lamy, at Danstock, we will raise a glass to all of the Spring Hill Badgers of yester year. Perhaps I will see you at a reunion. I do have plans to go to the 20th 3 years?


    Dan Green
